How might we help people to talk about what’s happening in and to our world?
Many people find it hard to start or have conversations about issues like climate change, ecological decline, social issues, and all the related entanglements, so they avoid it. Yet when they do, as I have discovered in the past few years of hosting climate spaces, they often express relief.
The word comes up again and again. Relief.
So in 2021 I developed a simple framework called “With the Earth in Mind” to support conversations that people might want to have but don't know how to. And to help them to explore what’s happening in our world in way that does not force anyone to go where they don’t want to.
It’s invitational not confrontational - people are invited to pick out what piques their interest from an image with single words and take it from there. Whilst it is simple, it brings potential for meaningful conversations, greater awareness, and change, both personally and more widely, or systemically.
“With the Earth in Mind” is available to use freely under Creative Commons Licence, and you can download the model HERE along with guidance notes.
It can be useful for:
-personal reflection
-sustainability leadership conversations*
-coaching practice development
-coaching supervision
-individual, executive, team or group coaching
-team workshops and facilitated events
-climate action community building
- starting all kinds of conversations about climate change in their workplaces
It’s been used on the NHS Leadership Development Academy at the beginning of their Sustainability Leadership programme for over 800 leaders since 2023.
You can I use this yourself however if you would like to explore me facilitating a team, masterclass or community event for you with this framework please get in touch below.