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Finding meaning, purpose, clarity & agency in the climate & environmental crisis - a small group experience in the Cotswolds

  • Cotswolds (for the group day) and Cotswolds OR online (for 1:1 follow ups) (map)

These critical times in our lives are stirring up a lot of powerful emotions and feelings in people - anger, anxiety, confusion, guilt, overwhelm, powerlessness, isolation, indifference, ambivalence, hopelessness or more. Whether in response to the climate and environmental crisis, the social justice crisis, or the metacrisis - a crisis of meaning, of purpose, of everything - these feelings can leave people unable to make sense, feeling stuck, and even unable to function day to day.

Or sometimes it’s quite the opposite - keeping ourselves almost addictively busy, spinning lots of plates and yet feeling we’re not really getting anywhere.

And it can feel lonely too, particularly when friends and family don’t want to talk about what’s happening in our world.

All these feelings are understandable, and quite normal.

If this resonates with you, then I believe that this one day small, highly confidential group programme will help to rebuild your motivation, creativity, courage and resolve, moving you from a sense of isolation and confusion towards a greater sense of participation and purpose.

This Programme is For:

  • People seeking a significant personal shift towards a sense of purpose and agency

  • Changemakers wanting to support and inspire others

  • Coaches, therapists and consultants supporting others on their journey

  • Anyone passionate about our world, sustainability, and regeneration.

Workshop Summary:

  • Working in pairs and small groups we’ll explore how The Work that Reconnectscan help you - personally and professionally - to face ongoing, challenging times by opening your eyes, mind, and heart.

  • We will discover the “Spiral” – four stages of a transformational journey that support us to move gently from grief (which can be paralysing or make you manically busy) to a deeper, calmer, sense of purpose and agency - to a place of Active Hope.

  • We’ll consider the “Three Stories of our Time” - Business as Usual, the Great Unravelling, and the Great Turning - that help us to see and understand what is happening in our world..

  • You’ll appreciate that you are more significant, stronger, creative, and more deeply interconnected than you may have yet realized. And you will leave with greater clarity, purpose, and a deeper realisation that in this, we all matter.

Active Hope is a practice.. it is about becoming active participants in bringing about what we hope for.
— Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone

Active Hope is based on the teachings of eco-philosopher, teacher and activist Joanna Macy. Underpinned by a set of practices and insights (known as the Work that Reconnects), it draws on deep ecology, systems theory and spiritual traditions. It helps us to revive our strength, discover new perspectives, gain clarity and find our purpose. And it helps us to appreciate that we can each play a meaningful play in the transformation of our world.

One to One Follow Up Coaching / Mentoring:

After the full day in person workshop you and I can meet 1:1 online or in-person a week or so later for you to have some confidential personal time and space for reflection and deeper pathway building.


£275 per person (no VAT), including


The workshop will be in a private studio in a small quiet village and if weather allows, we can spend some time outdoors in the beautiful Cotswolds countryside or in the nearby Wolford woods. Our nearest train station is Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire, (GL56), which is served from London, Oxford, Worcestershire and Birmingham. Our follow up 1:1 session will be online via Zoom or if you wish, in person back in the studio.

Comments from previous Active Hope / WTR events:

“This offered a beautifully held and welcoming space to connect with each other and reconnect with ourselves. I loved the journey through the spiral, coming away with a greater sense of possibility for our lives with this earth.”

“Good coaching has to be ethical in a sensitive, connected way that enables insightful communication and clarity of curiosity that has a truth and braveness to it. This too is the approach that will bring a truly determined energy to change our business as usual world of human pretence at life into being real life. This workshop has that energy.”

“This was a brilliant introduction to the Work That Reconnects. The mix of theory and practical exercises allowed us to fully experience the work for ourselves, whilst also understanding some of the underpinning theoretical framework. At the end of the day, I felt reconnected with my interest in environmentalism, in a way that was both gentle and powerful.”

“.. a fantastic opportunity and experience, to connect with others, reflect deeply and make sense of my own personal experience in the world today. It was challenging but equally beautiful in the sharing of wonderful conversations with great people. I really appreciated my own learning about gratitude and considering the contribution I can make to a life sustaining society. Super facilitators. Thank you!”

“Linda is a wonderful guides to this empowering and profound work. If anyone is thinking about giving this a try, I would encourage you to just do it - you won't be judged and you will definitely connect with others and be both reassured and inspired.”

NB: This will be a profound and valuable experience but is not intended as a substitute for personal therapy. If you’re experiencing extreme anxiety please contact me via here for a confidential discussion about how you can get the support you need.

To Book a Place:

Please read our Terms and Conditions including our cancellation policy before you book, then complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Autumn leaves photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash