As the pace, complexity and urgency of our world has increased, so has the need for people to live and work even more effectively and sustainably together whilst they face into challenging and difficult times.  Having protected time to connect, reflect, share, listen and learn is essential to this - here’s just an overview of what I can support you with, and how.

Facilitated Meetings, Offsites & Awaydays

Whether for a few hours, a day, or more, for an intact team, a number of teams, or group of diverse stakeholders, for strategy development, business planning, staff consultation or creativity sessions, team and trust building, and more, I'll carefully design and plan with you and then easefully facilitate gatherings that help you to make real progress.

As a seasoned facilitator of in person and online meetings, I use every moment well, creating an environment that fosters trust, insight, creativity, connection, decisiveness and commitment to action.

And I'll manage the group dynamics expertly, neither brushing them under the carpet or allowing them to impede progress.

If you want your meeting to bring multiple benefits both during and way beyond the date, let's talk!

In House Group and Team Workshops and Talks

Emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and the ability to collaborate are just some of the vital skills we need in order to address the many crises of our times.

I offer in person and online sessions and programmmes on

* understanding and working with climate change
* managing the emotional impacts of climate & environmental decline
* productive climate conversations and engaging comms
and more.

I also offer Time to Think Programmes for transformative coaching, facilitation and leadership, from introductory to qualified level. Visit the Time to Think pages for more.

If you'd like memorable workshops and talks that engage and inspire, please get in touch.

"Linda is a highly skilled, intuitive coach and facilitator;  wonderful ability to bring a group together, develop a powerful sense of team and galvanise great decision making and action". Ewan Hilton, CEO, Platfform, Wales