The USW Wales Coaching Centre is bringing to you the 8th annual Coaching Conference which will be like no other. This year we are celebrating coaching in a 3-day virtual event, from the 23rd to 25th March 2021.
It will bring together some of the world’s leading practitioners and academics in the field of coaching. The conference is aimed at coaching and mentoring practitioners and facilitators, training and HR managers and anyone that would find coaching of use to them in their role.
The conference will be exploring how wellbeing and sustainability play a key role in coaching for tomorrow and how coaching can help us plan for a new, exciting, and prosperous future.
Linda will be presenting or delivering sessions on each day; the timetable is to be announced but you can reserve your place here
Mae’n bleser gennym gyflwyno ein wythfed gynhadledd hyfforddi flynyddol, a fydd yn dwyn ynghyd rai o ymarferwyr ac academyddion blaenllaw y byd ym maes hyfforddi. Mae’r gynhadledd wedi’i hanelu at ymarferwyr a hwyluswyr hyfforddi a mentora, rheolwyr hyfforddi ac adnoddau dynol, a phobl eraill y byddai hyfforddi’n ddefnyddiol iddynt yn eu swyddi.
23rd, 24th & 25th March 2021
Tagged coaching, wellbeing, sustainability, mentoring, wales, conference